
xcode-select: Failed to locate 'make'

Failed to locate 'make', requesting installation of command line developer tools.


Update NPM, Nodejs to 16.13.0, and update your OS if you're behind.

You only need to install the entire xcode app if you're doing native macOS, iOS, tvOS, or watchOS development.

Otherwise, if you're building applications in JS, you only need the xcode command line tools.

After I ran xcode-select --install in the terminal, I received a block of errors but this was the core message:

xcode-select: Failed to locate 'make', requesting installation of command line developer

I found a few fixes, but none worked.

What worked for me was:

updating to the latest version of OSX, updating NPM, and setting my Nodejs version to 16.13.0

Nov 29, 2022